Monday, December 30, 2019

The Best Ways to Close a Job Interview

The Best Ways to Close a Job InterviewThe Best Ways to Close a Job InterviewIts important to leave your job interview making the best possible impression, and that includes knowing how to say goodbye to the hiring manager and close the business meeting in a way that can have a profound impact on the outcome. Final impressions can be the most lasting, so you should think carefully about your approach closing a job interview. Confirm Your Interest in the Job Keep in mind that the closing of an interview is a great opportunity to express your enthusiasm for the job. One way to do this is to explain how the interview has confirmed your interest in the stelle. For example, you might say in closing, Ive really appreciated the opportunity to learn more about this job.Hearing about the cutting edge technology that your firm employs and the new products in the pipeline has definitely enhanced my desire to take a leadership role with your project team. Ask for the Job If you are koranv ers you want the job after the interview, do what any good salesperson does at the end of a meeting and ask for the job, albeit tactfully. You can say, I want you to know that I am very interested in carrying out this role for your firm, and do hope that you will be extending an offer or offering me a spot in the next round of interviews. Please let me know if you have any further questions for me going forward. Remind the Interviewer That Youre Qualified The end of your interview also is an opportunity to reiterate why the position fits your skills and is a good match given your assets as a candidate. You can say something like, In closing, it seems to me that the position is a great fit. I look forward to using my advanced cloud computing skills, expertise in project management, and ability to bring in projects on time. Have Something to Add In addition to preparing your own statements, be prepared for questions too. Interviewers often will ask if you have anything to add at the end of your interview. You should enter the interview with a mental list of several strengths in your background that would enable you to excel in the job. Be ready to share any of the assets that you havent had the chance to convey during your meeting. You can offer any additional information in combination with a summary statement about your overall fit. For example, you might say, I have addressed how I might apply my writing and research skills, but I would like to add that I have planned a variety of very successful publicity events as part of new product introductions. Ask What Happens Next Before leaving the interview, make sure you know what to expect from that point on with the hiring process. Ask about the timeframe for finalizing their decision and if there would be any other layers of interviewing so you can plan any follow-up communications. Send a Follow-Up Email Immediately after the interview, make notes about the meeting while the proceedings are fres h in your mind. Compose your follow-up email as soon as possible after the meeting, so you have a chance to influence assessments of your candidacy before they have been finalized.

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