Monday, May 11, 2020

Personal Day 5 Things Happening Now In COTJs Life

Personal Day 5 Things Happening Now In COTJs Life 2 Flares 2 Flares Breaks are good.  Good are breaks.  Break me off a piece of that earthquake bar. I obviously need a personal day. Even in our most desperate times, we must find a way to take a step back, relax, and put our focus on something else.  They say searching for a job is a 40 hour per week process, but I do believe that will make you go bonkers.  Just like Im doing today, take a personal day and go out and do something fun, spend time with family, ride a bike, ride a tricycle, ride horse, or ride in your car to someplace awesome. To get us away from the job search, here are 5 things that Ive got going on right now: Holy Earthquake! While some may have been scared, and thats completely warranted, I was somewhat giddy after the quake hit the east coast yesterday.  I can now say that Ive experienced an earthquake.  What we felt here in Philly from the 5.9 magnitude quake was not as shaky as what people experienced at the epicenter in Virginia.  Thankfully, there havent been many (zero-ish) injuries reported and now we just need to brace ourselves and hope John Cusack doesnt show up at our door. Allergies Never experienced allergies like Im having now.  An allergy test confirmed that my body hates grass, dust mites, cats, certain trees, and other environmental items.  If you plan on calling anytime soon, I apologize in advance. Bad Rhino Social Media If you didnt know, Im one of the Co-Founders of Bad Rhino, a Social media Marketing Firm.  Its been a blast to work with clients on their social media marketing.  You can follow us at @BadRhinoInc or read the blog here. 20 Pound Drop Im challenging myself to lose 20 pounds by December 31st.  The hardest time of the year to shed weight is the October through December, wintery, holiday, eating cookies and cake time of year.  Ive easily put on 10 pounds through these two months in previous years, so it should be rather interesting to try to swing a 20 pound drop. COTJ on CBS Money Watch Alright, to get us back in the swing of things, heres a quick post that I was featured on in CBS Money Watch.  Its a great article that shares tips on acing a skype interview.

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